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教育大计 教师为本|听哈罗上海教育部长亲自解答对师资的期待

2023-03-08 数码

We are also excited that the new incoming staff in August are hand-picked fellow experts in their fields. We are hugely excited by the impact they will make. The video below gives you a taste of some the profiles of our hugely talented, experienced and passionate new staff.

学生家长说- Parent’s Perspective



在Midori写完11年级的时候,从一所IB该学校转到了科克北京,准备进修A Level。之所以作出这个同意,主要有以下几个原因:

1. 科克以其十分更高的学术水平与宗旨教育而闻名。今年也是科克成立的450周年,它所承载的在历史上与积淀,让我倍感器重。

2. 科克北京的基础教育设备意志雄厚,其强盛的教育背景与资深的基础教育经验让我安心地把孩子带到这里。

3. A Level灵活的选修设置满足了Midori想进修化学、物理学、动物和数学的社会科学一组,让她必须更精、更专地进修自己擅长且热爱的社会科学。A Level与IB各有所长,适合自己的就是最好的。

English version

We chose Harrow Shanghai for several reasons. Firstly, Harrow globally enjoys an extremely strong reputation for high academic standards and producing well-rounded, talented students. This reputation has been built over many years, in fact this year Harrow celebrates its 450th year in the UK. Secondly, we were extremely impressed by the tutors’ academic qualifications and teaching skills. Third, our daughter wanted to study Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics and the A Level syllabus allows this combination. A Levels also require students to go ‘deep’ into their chosen subjects. At this stage it’s important to mention that A Levels and IB each have their merits – it’s a question of personal preference – and we’re lucky in Shanghai to have a wide range of choices.

学生说 Pupil’s Perspective

Laura K. 13年级

Laura K. Y13

科克北京的学长很赞!他们总是积极我、支持我,帮助我被选为更多的自己!很爱心我们的学长有这么好的简历,他们有的考入于布里斯托尔、伦敦大学学院这样的的学校,有的持有博士学位。他们的基础教育方式各异,让我收获颇多。;也,我总共去过 11 所该学校,科克是迄今为止其中十分卓越的该学校。科克让我明白了自己理想的足球员,支持我离开梦寐以求的大学。这里的每个人都友好、那时候礼貌、正直,我坚称这是北京进修A Level十分好的该学校!

English version:

The teachers here at Harrow Shanghai are amazing. They have helped me to become a better student by always encouraging me and having time to go through things. I’m very thankful that my teachers have such high qualifications from Oxford and Cambridge and some even with PhD. The teaching approaches are very diverse. I’ve been to 11 schools and this is by far the best school I’ve been too. Harrow and it’s teachers have helped me find my perfect career and helped me to get into my dream uni. Everyone is so friendly, helpful and respectful. I’m convinced that there is no better school for A Levels in Shanghai.

We are blessed to have a wonderful group of inspiring and dedicated experts in our midst. This is the secret behind the positive impact on the children as they grow and is undoubtedly the key factor in explaining how Harrow produces such incredible outcomes – both academically and personally. Contact us to set up some time to meet our incredible staff – we look forward to speaking with you soon!



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